
Johnny Stone

这个免费的 爱的虫子 着色页 这套书是为你的情人节庆祝活动增加一些额外乐趣的好方法,或者在你需要一点额外的爱时也是如此

儿童活动博客今天很高兴能与Little Learning Lovies合作,为大家带来这套独家的免费套装。 "爱虫 "情人节彩页。



  • 着色,当然
  • 粘上零星的纸巾
  • 剪出建筑纸的形状,并把它们粘在上面。
  • 在一张建筑纸上铺上其中一页,把它放在地毯上,用推针在轮廓周围戳孔。 把建筑纸挂在窗户上!(我们把这称为 "Pokey Pinning",它非常有趣,而且对协调性很有帮助!)。
  • 将珠子粘在每个部分。

准备好下载这些独家免费的 "爱虫 "情人节着色页了吗?

See_also: 最可爱的恐龙彩页包括恐龙涂鸦


See_also: 好市多正在销售Pyrex迪斯尼套装,我都要了

Johnny Stone
Johnny Stone
Johnny Stone is a passionate writer and blogger who specializes in creating engaging content for families and parents. With years of experience in the education field, Johnny has helped many parents find creative ways to spend quality time with their children while also maximizing their learning and growth potential. His blog, Easy Things to Do with Kids That Don't Require Special Skills, is designed to provide parents with fun, simple, and affordable activities that they can do with their children without having to worry about prior expertise or technical skills. Johnny's goal is to inspire families to create unforgettable memories together while also helping children develop essential life skills and foster a love of learning.