
Johnny Stone

好市多知道我们想要什么......既要有毯子保暖,又要有毯子不会因为我们的一举一动而掉下来......解决方案是什么? 巨型毯子运动衫!好市多正在销售巨型毯子运动衫,这样你就可以舒适惬意了,你知道你需要一件!

这些巨大的毛毯毛衣被称为 "The Comfy",你可能会从《鲨鱼坦克》中认出它们。

See_also: 草书Q工作表-免费打印字母Q的草书练习表

"这款可穿戴的毛毯套头衫在你在家休息、看电视、玩视频游戏、用笔记本电脑工作、露营、参加体育赛事或音乐会时,可以保持温暖和舒适。 这是两兄弟的原创发明,他们向ABC的《鲨鱼坦克》提出了这个概念,并得到了芭芭拉-科兰的支持"。



我们已经到了一年中天气不可预测的时候。 永远不要没有你的舒适连帽衫!#comfy #comfyhoodie #favoritehoodie #favehoodie #favoritesweatshirt #cozy #comfyseason #comfyweather #cuddle up #getwarm

The Comfy - Blanket/Sweatshirt (@theoriginalcomfy) 于2019年11月14日下午2:49分享的帖子,PST

好市多正以44.99美元的价格出售2包成人Comfy Hooded Sweatshirt Blankets,这样一来,每包只需22.50美元!得分!!

See_also: 13个可爱的字母D工艺品& 活动 在Instagram上查看此帖

在东海岸解决秋季海滩散步的最佳方式? (@arthouzze) #thecomfy #comfy #staywarm #cozy #originalcomfy #blanketsweatshirt #sweatshirtblanket #southcarolina #eastcoast #eastcoastbeaches #beachwalks

The Comfy - Blanket/Sweatshirt (@theoriginalcomfy) 于2019年11月17日上午10:09分享的帖子,PST



我们将为前100名#黑色星期五购物者提供免费舒适的脚!准备......设置......现在购物!使用代码:"LoveMyComfy"。 链接在生物中!#thecomfy#comfy#originalcomfy#comfyfeet#cozyforwinter#cozyinthesnow#bestholidaygifts#blackfridayshopping#cybermondayshopping#blackfridaysale#cybermondaysale

A post shared by The Comfy - Blanket/Sweatshirt (@theoriginalcomfy) on Nov 28, 2019 at 9:06am PST

Johnny Stone
Johnny Stone
Johnny Stone is a passionate writer and blogger who specializes in creating engaging content for families and parents. With years of experience in the education field, Johnny has helped many parents find creative ways to spend quality time with their children while also maximizing their learning and growth potential. His blog, Easy Things to Do with Kids That Don't Require Special Skills, is designed to provide parents with fun, simple, and affordable activities that they can do with their children without having to worry about prior expertise or technical skills. Johnny's goal is to inspire families to create unforgettable memories together while also helping children develop essential life skills and foster a love of learning.