
Johnny Stone


See_also: 25种美味的雪人食品和小吃





  • 经典奶茶配黑糖波霸
  • 芋头奶茶配黑糖波霸
  • 焦糖波霸的奶油布丁奶茶
  • 百香果菠萝绿茶配果味波霸

说实话,光是看着这些,我的嘴就在流口水了。 它们看起来都很好!!!

See_also: 在室内工作的天才复活节彩蛋创意!

这些Boba Variety Packs在Costco的售价为14.79美元,这使得每个人只需1.48美元,这是一个完全的偷窃!

想了解更多精彩的好市多发现吗? 请看:

  • 墨西哥街玉米是完美的烤肉配菜。
  • 这个冰雪奇缘玩具屋可以让孩子们玩上好几个小时。
  • 成年人可以享受美味的啤酒冰棒,是保持凉爽的完美方式。
  • 这款芒果莫斯卡托是忙碌一天后放松身心的最佳方式。
  • 这个Costco蛋糕破解版对于任何婚礼或庆典来说都是纯粹的天才之作。
  • 花椰菜意大利面是偷吃一些蔬菜的完美方式。

Johnny Stone
Johnny Stone
Johnny Stone is a passionate writer and blogger who specializes in creating engaging content for families and parents. With years of experience in the education field, Johnny has helped many parents find creative ways to spend quality time with their children while also maximizing their learning and growth potential. His blog, Easy Things to Do with Kids That Don't Require Special Skills, is designed to provide parents with fun, simple, and affordable activities that they can do with their children without having to worry about prior expertise or technical skills. Johnny's goal is to inspire families to create unforgettable memories together while also helping children develop essential life skills and foster a love of learning.