
Johnny Stone

家里有Minecraft粉丝吗? 冰激凌粉丝呢?

See_also: 超过27项儿童中世纪活动

好吧,你猜怎么着? 威廉姆斯的冰激凌是存在的!这是你能够沉入你的镐头的东西!


现在,不幸的是,你不能在商店里买到这个。 它只在网上出售。

See_also: 17+ 托儿所组织和存储的想法


  • 糕饼区
  • 迷人的苹果馅饼
  • 翡翠明达
  • 荧光粉(Peanöt Choklad Glowdust

此外,如果你订购了捆绑产品,你将得到一个免费的额外口味,名为Triple Choklad Kräm。

Nick's和Minecraft都在庆祝建立一个理想的世界。 Ja,一个你最喜欢的甜食对你没有坏处的世界!忘掉卡路里、糖或脂肪,只是在开采美味的花生酱杯、翡翠薄荷片的块状物,甚至苹果派的美味碎片的纯粹快乐中迷失自己


所以,有趣的口味,有趣的设计和比其他冰淇淋更健康的选择。 对我来说,听起来是一个胜利!

你可以在这里从N!CKS网上订购Minecraft冰激凌。 捆绑(5个冰激凌)将花费你不到40美元。

更多 "Minecraft "的乐趣:

  • 威廉姆斯》:教育版现已免费提供
  • 日本的这个班级有一个Minecraft毕业典礼,我喜欢它
  • Minecraft将发布一款类似Pokemon Go的新游戏
  • 厕所里的卷轴 威廉斯活动 - 遇见爬行者!
  • 最好的《威廉姆斯》模仿秀
  • 可打印的Minecraft应用程序 - 在3D中玩耍!
  • 制作Minecraft Creeper T-Shirt

Johnny Stone
Johnny Stone
Johnny Stone is a passionate writer and blogger who specializes in creating engaging content for families and parents. With years of experience in the education field, Johnny has helped many parents find creative ways to spend quality time with their children while also maximizing their learning and growth potential. His blog, Easy Things to Do with Kids That Don't Require Special Skills, is designed to provide parents with fun, simple, and affordable activities that they can do with their children without having to worry about prior expertise or technical skills. Johnny's goal is to inspire families to create unforgettable memories together while also helping children develop essential life skills and foster a love of learning.