
Johnny Stone

你吃过艾洛特吗? 如果没有,你需要试试!

埃洛特是墨西哥街头的一种玉米,烤熟后涂上奶油酱,通常是蛋黄酱,有时是酸奶油。 它上面有辣椒粉和青柠汁,然后撒上奶酪。

See_also: 有趣的夏季奥运会儿童工艺品

虽然传统的艾洛特是装在棒子上的,但好市多推出了他们自己的墨西哥风格的街边玉米,你可以在冷冻区拿出来作为你最喜欢的饭菜的配菜。 它可能不是装在棒子上的,但其味道是无可比拟的。

See_also: 104项免费的儿童活动--超级有趣的优质时间创意 由Instagram上的@costco_doesitagain提供

这款墨西哥风格的街边玉米藏在冰箱区,由素食公司The Tattooed Chef制作,包含四袋独立的14盎司的预烤玉米,已经从玉米棒上取下,放在由酸奶油、辣椒粉和少许青柠制成的酱汁中,还有四包科蒂哈奶酪作为装饰。

它很容易准备,有足够的食物可以分享,如果你愿意的话。 但是一旦你品尝到它,你可能会把剩下的藏在冰箱后面,留给自己吃。 四包的价格为10.99美元,囤积多包可能是一个好主意。



A post shared by Costco_doesitagain (@costco_doesitagain) on Apr 24, 2019 at 1:23pm PDT

你一定要试试这个Arepa con Queso的食谱

Johnny Stone
Johnny Stone
Johnny Stone is a passionate writer and blogger who specializes in creating engaging content for families and parents. With years of experience in the education field, Johnny has helped many parents find creative ways to spend quality time with their children while also maximizing their learning and growth potential. His blog, Easy Things to Do with Kids That Don't Require Special Skills, is designed to provide parents with fun, simple, and affordable activities that they can do with their children without having to worry about prior expertise or technical skills. Johnny's goal is to inspire families to create unforgettable memories together while also helping children develop essential life skills and foster a love of learning.